Monday, November 21, 2011

Wow, have I been totally MIA on here! It's amazing how busy life has been lately. Griffin turned 4 a couple of days ago. It's hard to believe that my teeny little baby is such a big boy. I don't dare call him my "baby" anymore, or I get quickly corrected. "I'm a big boy, Mommy!" We had a party at Chuck E Cheese, with 17 kids in attendance. Chuck E Cheese is a total hell for parents, but the kids just love it! Plus they do it all for you, so I can't complain.

Because I'm Mom of the Year, I scheduled Griff's 4 yr check up on his birthday. It may not have been such a big deal if he wasn't due for 5 shots! Who makes their kid endure 5 shots on their birthday, and then sends him to, me! In my defense, I didn't know he was due for that many, and as far as the school thing, I had Christmas shopping to do (shopping for him, mind you). He took it all very well though, and I let him have a sleep over that night. I totally earned some Mom Points for that.

Anyway, I've been thinking about his check-up and wondering- do kids that age have muscles? I mean, obviously I know that they have muscle, but do they have muscles? He measures 38.75 inches tall and he's 38lbs. His BMI is 17.8 and that puts him in the 94th percentile. The 94th percentile is considered overweight and bordering on obese! Holy Crap! The Dr didn't even bring it up, but when I studied the numbers today, I was shocked. To look at him, he looks like he's on the small side actually. He's a very healthy eater, and he's very active. I mentioned it to Ryan who said "the kids has no fat on him, he's all muscle". He was serious, so it got me wondering if kids have muscles like that. It bothers me so much that I even called my babysitter (who is a nurse) and asked her. She was equally shocked, and insists that the BMI chart has to be wrong! I don't know, if he's overweight, then all those fat kids have got to be dead man walking. Mean, I know, but it's true!


  1. i remember that andrew was 43 lbs and 43 inches tall and he was skinny. i just remember that b/c it was around the same. that was when he was 6 i think if that helps any. i also know my 2.5 yo weighs 32 lbs and he is average...and my sister's 1.5 year old weighs the same and my cousin's 1 year old weighs the same.
    it sounds like griffin is fine and if the dr didnt say anything to you, i wouldnt worry. trust me, if they thought he was overweight they would say it--they have to some of my friends kids.

  2. Thanks Lorraine- That does help. It's still bugging me!
