Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tomorrow is my egg retrieval surgery. I've been feeling really uncomfortable and bloated so I'm kind of looking forward to getting them out of me. My last ultrasound showed some good ones, so I can't wait to see how many they get and how many are mature. I've never been one of those women that gets like 20 or more, and I'm not expecting that at all, but I'd like to get at least 10 mature eggs.

I'm spending today prepping for surgery. Not that I have lots to do, but I'm trying to drink plenty of water since I can't have any after midnight. I want to stay really hydrated. I also want to get all my housework and errands done. That way I can completely relax tomorrow when I get home. I also need to call and make appointments for acupuncture. I'd like to get in a session on Thursday before the embryo transfer and then on Friday for after.

I'm so glad that we're on vacation this week. I feel so much more relaxed while trying to do all of this. Yesterday, I had a bunch of the girls over for that Scentsy party. It went really well- I did way better than I had expected. Plus, we had a good time. I made a bunch of yummy food, some equally yummy cocktails and it was great to visit with everyone. It really was a fun way to start off my vacation.

Besides my IVF stuff, I'm hoping that we get to go to the fairs this week. If we can't make Fryeburg, I really want to at least go to Deerfield. I think Griffin will love seeing the animals and the farm equipment. Besides that, we'll just see what the week brings us. I'm content to not be at work and that's a good enough vacation for me!


  1. Good Luck today! I hope you get some great eggs!!!

  2. good luck shannon; will think of you...

    and DONT make a big deal abt griffin swearing!!!! my brother would say stuff like that and my parents NEVER said that word so we have no idea where he learned it (he was in K though or perhaps younger). the rest of us older kids would stifle giggles

  3. Thanks for the well wishes!

    Lorraine- I had to stifle giggles! Bad right?! I didn't make a big deal out of it though. He actually said it again the next morning, so at that point I calmly just said "Oh buddy, that's not what we call it, it's a TV remote". He seemed to accept that and hasn't said it since. Thank God!
