Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I have a cold, and it's kicking my ass. A stupid cold. I'm home again from work because my head is pounding. My sinus headache has turned into a full migraine. So now I'm torn between taking cold medicine or migraine meds.

Yesterday, I went to the ENT Dr and he is recommending surgery for my deviated septum, and to correct my narrow sinus passages. I am soooo not looking forward to it. The surgery is scheduled for Dec 7th - my 35th birthday. Happy birthday to me! Needless to say, I'll be putting off any IVF cycles until the new year. I'm praying that this surgery helps with my headaches and migraine, and that it will be worth it.


  1. deviated septum...hmmm isnt that what all the celebs say when they can have a nose job...
    come on, shannon, tell us the truth ;o)

    ha, just kidding!!!
    i really hope it goes smoothly and easy.

  2. Lorraine- You're too funny! I know, I thought about the whole "deviated septum" excuse celebs use. I actually like my nose, so I hope the surgery doesn't change it.
