Thursday, December 9, 2010

I had my first post-op visit today. One word......YUCK!!! Seriously, they suctioned out some of the packing, and it brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine how it's going to feel to have the splints taken out. I'm a baby, I admit it, but this isn't for the faint of heart.

So now I have a whole list of medications, and instructions to follow. Saline spray every hour, cream up my nose 4x's a day, stand over steam, take prednisone, antibiotics, and of course pain meds. Got my pain meds bumped up to percocets though, so no complaints there. Then there is my sleeping situation- I won't be able to lay flat for weeks. I thought that it was only for the first week, but I was wrong.

There is one plus to this whole surgery- I don't have black eyes! Everything is done from the inside and there is no breaking involved, so that means no bruising. I actually don't have a ton of swelling either. If it wasn't for the attractive gauze under my nose, it may not be real noticable to anyone but me.

So there is deviated septum and sinus surgery summed up, just in case you might be considering it. I had BETTER get some relief from my headaches after this. They keep telling my how much better I'll be able to breathe. What's funny is that I never noticed any trouble breathing before. Maybe I was just used to it? I don't know, but I'm really curious to feel the difference.

1 comment:

  1. i have wondered if aj has a deviated septum b/c he snores so much but---now i dont want to know ;)
