Friday, February 17, 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, the stomach bug has hit the building. Oh yeah! Griffin was up all night, throwing up. Today he was much better, so I let him eat a few Cheez-its. Big mistake. He barfed all over the backseat of my car. That was a fun time. So far, both Ryan and I feel fine, but Ryan keeps telling me that it's just a matter of time. I am praying for mercy.

I went to the Chiropractor today and got adjusted for the very first time. I've wanted to go for so long and try it, but just have never taken the leap. Well, I finally did it. She starts out really slow, so I had a very small adjustment today. I was surprised, there was no major cracking or discomfort. No scary neck cracking. I'm excited to go back and see how and if this makes a difference for me.

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