Thursday, August 12, 2010

Another week of fighting with a headache to go away. It's driving me nuts! Between having a headache and taking the meds, I feel like I've been in a fog for most of the week. In fact, tonight I've taken a Percocet, so this post may be full of mispellings, and a bunch of rambling. Forgive me. It will be kind of like drunk blogging, except that I won't hugging and kissing you, and telling you how much I love you!

This is also the week that we have decided to try potty training Griffin. I'm not sure that it's going as well as we had hoped. We've put him in underwear all week and the only time he's worn diapers is to bed. Needless to say, I've had to do a lot of pissy laundry this week. He only goes potty when we tell him to, and never on his own accord. So, I'm trying to decide if I should throw in the towel for now and try again later or keep going since we're already 4 days into it.

Since he's peed through so many clothes, I sometimes let him run around naked. It got me thinking about how I never imagined in my life, until I had a kid, having to tell someone to get their fingers out of their butt! Though it's not nearly as bad as having that same butt (and other parts) stuck in your face because your son thinks you are a human jungle gym.

Gross right?!


  1. shannon, exactly how old is he, with months? actually letting him run around naked is good idea. let him pee outside on peepee tree.
    i had different experiences with both boys...patrick who is 4.5 is still in pullups at night but aj at 3 never wore them to bed but pooped in pull up till he was 4! patrick still has accidents now. good times. good luck

  2. Lorraine, He's only 33 months, so it's still a little early. He's shown interest in it for a long time. I guess he's only interested in it when he feels like doing it though. I think that we're going to continue trying through the weekend and see how it goes. I like the peepee tree idea- he'll probably LOVE that! Thanks!

  3. good luck...
    patrick was under 3, probably same age as griffin.
    i just wish i could get rid of pullups at night now...or at least hte accidents during the day--we even tried to off him a sports room for 7 consecutive days of no accidents. we havent gotten very far at all!
