Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I hope everyone enjoyed a nice day, and ate lots. We had a nice day. My family went out to a restaurant for lunch. 31 of us, believe it or not! Afterwards, Ryan and I invited everyone back to our house. Not everyone could make it to our "after party" but I think we still had about 15 people over. I did all of the cooking ahead of time, so I had the opportunity to relax and visit with everyone.

Now it's on to Christmas, and I say Bring It On!! I love Christmas, and it's going to be so much fun with Griffin this year. He still doesn't understand the whole concept of Santa, but he's starting to get it. I can't wait to watch the classic Christmas specials with him. Maybe we'll have the opportunity to sit on Santa's lap at some point. I can't wait until Christmas morning, and to see his face!

I just hope that my surgery doesn't put to much of a damper on the whole thing. I'm almost done with my shopping, so I have one less thing to worry about, and can just focus on the recovery.

Oh, I almost nails are still holding up. Seriously, there isn't a chip in them at all. The only difference is that they have grown and you can see where the polish ends and my new nail has grown. Since I have the french manicure, it's not obvious to anyone but me yet. From normal distance, it still looks like I have the perfect manicure. This is just incredible, considering that I've done tons of cooking and cleaning this past week. Not to mention the endless dishes that I've washed from all the cooking!

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