Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I actually enjoyed some days of being headache free, and I'm sad to report that my luck has run out. I'm very frustrated, to say the least. I've been on birth control pills to prepare for my upcoming IVF and I took the last one on Sunday night. So I'm sure that the hormone fluctuation was the trigger this time. I've taken my medication, and now I'm praying that I caught it early enough that it goes away.

So why the hell am I on my computer when my head is splitting?? Well, I always have good intentions of blogging when Griffin does stuff that I find funny or particularly cute, but I ALWAYS forget. By the time I sit down with the computer, I forgot whatever it was that I wanted to write. Since I haven't done a scrapbook, this is my only record of those things.

Now after that whole explanation, you're probably expecting this extremely funny story. Sorry to disappoint, it's not that funny. I just found it to be really cute, but it's also a reminder to me of how my little boy is growing up and becoming his own little man. So here goes- this morning while I was folding laundry in my room, Griff grabbed a bunch of his toys and brought them in. Since there are toys all over the rest of my house, I'd prefer to keep them out of my bedroom. So, I stop him just as he's walking in, and I tell him that he needs to bring them back to his room. He actually says to me "but I need something to do Mommy!" Oh really?! Not expecting to get much of a response, I say "If you need something to do, go downstairs and pick up your toys". In his most reluctant tone he says "OoooooKaaayyy" and he actually did it.

Then because he can't get any cuter, as we were getting ready to leave and I was helping him put on his shoes, he leans in to me and says "you smell pretty Mommy". I just love that little guy!

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