Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm finally back on my regular shift, and I couldn't be happier. Working until midnight every night was not the best thing for me. I wanted it to work out, I really did. Not having to go in until 4 was great. The late nights just weren't cutting it for me though. So now I'm getting to bed at a decent time and getting more sleep, and I've been feeling somewhat better.

My next appointment with my Dr is scheduled at the end of the month and I am planning on talking to her about fibromyalgia and whether it's possible that I have it. I've been reading about it lately and I have a lot of the symptoms. It would certainly explain a lot.

Now the important stuff- I have started my meds for my next IVF. So far, I'm feeling ok. No major side effects or moodiness yet. Then again, it's only been 4 days. I go for blood work and an ultrasound on Wed. to check my progress. I haven't told anyone. Except, of course, anyone reading this. I've never kept it a secret before, and it's not really my intention to do that now. It's just that I don't really feel like discussing it so much lately. To be honest, I'm not really that excited about it. I'm not feeling negative or anything, just not excited. This is my 4th fresh cycle, so perhaps it's just sort of becoming routine. It's really hard to describe the feeling.

1 comment:

  1. shannon....i will be thinking of you. i hope you get your wish.
