Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I had an ultrasound a blood work this morning. So far, there are 4 follicles on the left and 5 on the right that are measurable. It's not a fabulous number, but it only takes 1. I have to remember that it's completely about the quality and not the quantity. My E2 level is 548. I have to be honest and say that I don't really pay attention to that. I only know because the nurse mentioned it when she called and said that it's a good number.

So, I'm staying on my current dosages of the Gonal-F and the Luveris. Tonight I'll add in the Ganirilex as well. That will keep my LH from surging which would cause ovulation. It will help those follies grow and mature. So now I'm on 3 shots a day. Atleast the needles are tiny, and don't hurt.

Side effects are still minimal- for now. The worst right now is the hot flashes and the sweating. Of course, this would be the time that the weather decides to get warm. I really need it to be in the 60's.

My best guess right now is that my egg retrieval surgery will be on Monday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's not Sunday. I'm having a Scentsy party at my house, and have my friends and family coming for brunch. I'm really looking forward to it since I haven't had people over for a while. The Scentsy party is sort of secondary- I'm just looking forward to spending time with the girls and having some yummy food and a possibly a couple of mimosas. I'm praying that it will be the last time I can have a mimosa for 9 months!

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