Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The surgery went well. No complications, and it went as expected. I don't remember much of anything about the whole thing. I remember going into the operating room and shifting from one bed to the other, and that was about it. I was in a lot of pain afterwards, so I was given morphine, dilaudid, and then 2 vicodins. I was pretty out of it. When we got home, I pretty much slept for the rest of the day, and was comfortable.

Today, I'm in pain. I've been taking the vicodins every 4 hrs, but I don't think it's cutting it. I have an appt tomorrow to check the packing, and I'll mention it. I still have gauze taped to my face because of the oozing and bleeding. Not pretty!

I've got a little camp set up in my bedroom, complete with my laptop, my cell phone, the tv, the portable dvd player, my kindle, and of course my meds! Tonight I came downstairs to eat dinner, and Griffin begged me to stay. I couldn't turn him down. It's funny how being up for 2 hours has completely wiped my out though. So, it's back to bed for me now that Griffin has gone to sleep.

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