Thursday, June 3, 2010

Yeh, my gut told me that I should be nervous, and it was right. There's more proof that we know our bodies and should trust our feelings. I should start by saying that the egg retrieval surgery itself went smoothly. I did well during the procedure and there was no trouble with the anesthesia. So, it starts off with us being there at noon like we were told. There were 3 other couples in the waiting area who were obviously there for the same thing. They called each of us in there one by one, and wouldn't you know that we were the last ones to be called- and that was 2 1/2 hours later!! The nurses and the Dr were all apologetic for the wait, but no one elaborated as to why it was so long. OK.

By the time we get out back to the surgery center, I still have to be prepped. So I had to meet the Dr that was doing the surgery, my nurse, the anesthesiologist,etc. I can say that they were all awesome and spoiled me. NO complaints about that. Basically, I don't remember much after I was brought to the OR because I fell right to sleep (I love anesthesia!!). I came out of the anesthesia fairly easy and wasn't sick at all. This makes me so happy because by this time it's almost 5pm and I know how crappy our ride home is going to be during rush hour on Rt 128.

So, here's the part that really makes me disappointed. They were only able to get 7 mature eggs. Today, the lab called and out of the 7, only 4 fertilized. So for anyone that isn't familiar with IVF, it's not expected that all of the eggs that fertilized will make it to day 3. So, I have no idea what we will end up with when we go back on Saturday for the embryo transfer. My hope is that I at least have 2 to transfer. To put this into perspective, I did the same exact protocol when I got pregnant with Griffin. During that cycle, they got 12 eggs. Out of the 12, 10 fertilized. On day 3 we transferred 2 embryos, and they let the rest continue to grow to day 5. On day 5, I only had 2 left to freeze.

Not great odds. I'm going to stay positive because I know that it only takes one good embryo. I'm praying for that. Like I said though, it wasn't easy getting pregnant the first time. Being three years closer to advanced maternal age certainly isn't doing me any favors. Plus, I am so sore from the retrieval. I don't remember ever being this sore in previous IVF cycles. I went for acupuncture this afternoon. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be feeling much better.

So there's my update. Keep your fingers crossed for my little embies! I'm praying that by some miracle they all stay strong and continue to divide. Ultimately, it would be nice to have some to freeze in case this cycle doesn't work. However, I will be grateful to at least have 2 to transfer on Saturday, even if there are none to freeze.

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