Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So far, I'm really liking this new 4 to midnight shift. I've had time to get a lot of stuff done that I just can't do with limited time and a 2 yr old. Of course, this is only my 3rd day, so I may be saying something different by the end of the week. Griff and I spent the whole day together, and had a bit of retail therapy today. Then we met up with my brother Quentin for a little while. My little buddy was so upset that he couldn't spend the rest of the day with his "nuncle" Quentin, that he had a temper tantrum. Good times!

As of right now, we have no major plans for the 4th of July. I'm considering going to the fireworks, but I'm unsure. I think that it will be way too late, and we'll be risking an overtired, bratty little boy. I'm sure that no matter what, we'll be grilling out, and there may some margaritas or midori drinks involved. There has been some talk about our pool starting to go up on Friday. We'll see......

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